Source Pookie

Source Pookie

This page contains mentions of eating disorders and self harm.

About SPookie

SPookie is a human girl of unknown origin. She almost always accompanies Pookie, as the two are inseperable. SPookie provides some form of lifeforce for Pookie.

The Story:

SPookie lives in an old apartment with Pookie. The two share a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. Pookie is extremely happy because of SPookie, and SPookie is also in peace with Pookie. SPookie's experiences were very bad, but because they were able to relate to Pookie, thr two formed an inseperable bond. SPookie met Pookie while exploring a burnt forest.


SPookie is not as sweet as Pookie. She is a lot more wary of people around her, and tends to have a hard time trusting others. SPookie is easier to irritate. She's not the friendliest, and ignores people who don't speak to her directly. SPookie is smart, but would not help you with your homework. If someone other than Pookie is nice to SPookie, then she will be confused, and soften possibly. If wronged, SPookie is much more outspoken about issues, and is not afraid of confrontation. She knows what she wants, and she knows that if there's a will, there's a way. This makes SPookie strongly determined, and selfless for those she cares about. SPookie does not sugarcoat anything, and values honesty greatly. SPookie is very harsh on herself.



SPookie's skin is tan. She has only one rough patch of skin on her arm, but otherwise she has soft skin and very squishy cheeks.

Facial features:

SPookie has a mole on her cheek, and she has a scar underneath her lips. Her lips are thicker and pink. Her eyes are a very dark greenish brown, and she has long eyelashes. SPookie's eyes appear to be in a more irritated state at times, as often she finds herself with a speck getting stuck. She does not like to smile a lot as she has an insecurity with the gap in her two front teeth.


SPookie's hair is curly, long, black, and extremely soft. SPookie loves her hair very much. At times, her hair may be a dark pink, and usually it is left in a low ponytail.


SPookie's body is rather thin. Her ribs show. SPookie does have breasts, and SPookie can't grow much hair anywhere. Her ears are pierced. SPookie has a lot of scars on her breasts and thighs. SPookie has short nails. Her spine is not straight, and because of this one arm may be seen as longer than the other.


Spookie's room is dirty. There is mold, dust, dried blood, and rusted metal. Paint is falling off the walls, and there are stains.

SPookie has bulimia and pica. She is really dehydrated.

All of SPookie's scars are self inflicted.

SPookie's comfort objects include a golden coin, a perfume with her name on it, a diary, and one fluffy teddy bear.

SPookie collects scraps of metal, CDs, broken glass, and perfume.

SPookie likes the feeling of ASMR and cold metal.

SPookie loves the color pink.

SPookie hates wearing dresses and skirts, and she would rather opt in to wear soft capris and pijamas.

SPookie smells like alcohol wipes.

SPookie is a pillow princess.


SPookie likes listening to music, exploring abandoned places, playing with dirt, playing games on her phone, playing with makeup, and eating chapstick. She also likes to cook with Pookie, and listen to AM radios. She loves roller and ice skating. SPookie at times would mix her soaps together, and grow mold and fungus in containers for fun.

Favorite Food:

SPookie enjoys cold food, like ice cream, frozen fruit, and ice. She also loves strawberry things. Her top picks are strawverry ice cream, frozen strawberries, and strawberry ice pops.


Soft, not very expressive. Serious.Kirie from Uzumaki


SPookie is not any entity or creature, just a human. She is vital to Pookie, and stays with them most of the time.

See Also:

  • Pookie
  • SPookie Pinterest
  • Pookie's Imposter
  • Fern
  • Unnamed
  • Gallery